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A recent “Organ of the Month” outlined how histopathology can be used in the work-up of patients with gastrointestinal (GI) disease. In this companion piece we will review the clinical signs of GI disease, and highlight the value of laboratory tests.
Vomiting and diarrhoea are the most familiar signs of GI disease, but don’t forget to also
1The significance of a high B12 has not been proved in dogs or cats. Increased B12 has been associated with serious underlying disease in humans, but studies in dogs and cats to date have produced conflicting results, and rely on small data sets with significant sources of bias.
2If TLI is low, but not subnormal, trial enzyme therapy for EPI could be justified in some cases, as there might be a “grey zone” for these results. Please call the laboratory to discuss with one of our medicine consultants.
Hypoadrenocorticism should always be a consideration for a patient with GI signs. Loss of function of the adrenal cortex can result in hypocortisolaemia alone (sometimes called “atypical” hypoadrenocorticism) or loss of both cortisol and aldosterone (so-called “typical” hypoadrenocorticism or Addison’s disease).
Atypical hypoadrenocorticism is associated with normal electrolytes (eunatraemic, eukalaemic). Don’t let normal electrolytes prevent you from considering hypoadrenocorticism!
Hypoadrenocorticism (typical or atypical) can mimic GI disease with some or all of the following findings:
The diagnosis should be confirmed with an ACTH stimulation test.
The diagnosis can be ruled out if basal cortisol is > 55 nmol/L.
(NB: basal cortisol can never confirm the diagnosis).
Gold AJ, Langlois DK, Refsal KR. Evaluation of basal serum or plasma cortisol concentrations
for the diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism in dogs. J Vet Intern Med. 2016;30(6):1798-1805. doi:10.1111/jvim.14589
Kather S, Grützner N, Kook PH, Dengler F, Heilmann RM. Review of cobalamin status and disorders of cobalamin metabolism in dogs. J Vet Intern Med. 2020;34(1):13-28. doi:10.1111/jvim.15638
Siani G, Mercaldo B, Alterisio MC, Di Loria A. Vitamin B12 in Cats: Nutrition, Metabolism, and
Disease. Animals (Basel). 2023;13(9):1474. Published 2023 Apr 26. doi:10.3390/ani13091474
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